Industry Framing

Getting to know Phil Lewis

Industry Frameworks

Outlining standards takes time... space

Working primarily with startups, small business, VC & Special Projects— Neil operates best when surrounded by go-getters, movers, shakers; those hungry to make lasting change.

Neil's Brand Systems have laid supportive frameworks for divese industries like Artificial Intelligence, women's health, creative tooling, & astrophotography. Future forecasting— Neil builds Brand Systems who are rooted in exploring playful, often overlooked Creative Frameworks.

Using Creative processes like Play Theory, GroupMind, Third Space, and Mild To Wild™ as interactive tools for building inclusive, trust-focused Brand spaces— Neil relies on transparency to build effective products over time. He believes grounded frameworks help teams big and small thrive and that it all starts with humility and deep, value-based interpersonal work.

Pictured above... carafem x fastcompany, 2023


Service-minded, Neil encourages humility & curiosity

VALUE No._01


Spelling names correctly in emails, collaborating on platforms like Slack or Figma,  SOW's & contracts; great Brand Design starts with active listening, emotional intelligence, and bang-up Communication.

VALUE No._02


Why we plan for our future is how trends and industries cultivate & grow. Vision is both ongoing and critical. Looking ahead—Vision acts as a goal for clients and contractors to reverse engineer.

VALUE No._03


What we build as future-forward teams ignites our ability to sustain projects, visions, and communcation. From server burn rates, to transportation, & Creative economies... Sustainability is imperative to Brand Growth.


Who We Are Matters

Our voices, especially within Brand Design, hold tangible matter. Increasingly, understanding the who behind the why (what, how) requires active listening, support, and care.


Tools Build Worlds

Tools lit up the dark caves of our ancestors. Today, tooling, within all forms of Communication Design, rests on accessibility, intuitiveness, and service-minded values.

Brand trust & loyalty starts with Service-minded frameworks

work ↙

Emerson Stone Illustration Toolkit

Emerson Stone

Pushing Bitmaps, Shapes, & Transparency Masks

See case

Let's build cool stuff, together*